
英語で四則演算のことは、Four arithmetic operationsと表現されますが、足し算、引き算、掛け算、割り算のそれぞれの内容については下表のようになります。算数、数学に用いる記号は日本固有のものではありませんので、英語でも同様に通じます。
演算 | 演算作業の英語表現 | 記号 | 記号の読み | 計算結果 |
足し算 | addition | + | plus | sum |
引き算 | subtraction | - | minus | difference |
掛け算 | multiplication | × | times, multiplied by | product |
割り算 | division | ÷ | divided by | quotient |
2 x 3 = 6 |
two times three is six (two multiplied by three is six) |
15 / 5 = 3 |
fifteen over five is three |
20 ÷ 4 = 5 |
twenty divided by four is five |
2 + x > y |
two plus x is greater than y |
2 + x < y |
two plus x is less than y |
2 + x ≧ y |
two plus x is greater than or equal to y |
1 + 1 = 2 |
one plus one is two, one plus one equals two |
(x + y)2 = x2 + 2xy + y2 |
open parentheses x plus y close parentheses squared is equal to x squared plus two xy plus y squared |