
表記 | 記号の位置 | 読み方 |
Xa | aが下付き記号 | Capital X sub small a |
Xb | bが上付き記号 | Capital X to the small b もしくはCapital X to the power of small b |
Xab | aがXの下付き記号、Xaに対してbが上付き | Capital X sub small a to the small b, Capital X sub small a to the power of small b |
x2 | xの二乗 | x squared |
x-2 | xのマイナス二乗 | x to the negative second power, x to the minus second |
x3 | xの三乗 | x cubed |
x4 | xの4乗 | x to the power of four, x to the fourth |
x5 | xの5乗 | x to the power of five, x to the fifth |
zn-1 | zに対してn-1が上付き | z to the n minus one |
化学式 | 読み方 |
H2O | H two O |
13C | carbon thirteen |
C4H7NO4 | C four H seven NO four、もしくは物質名であるaspartic acid |
CH4 + 2 O2 → CO2 + 2 H2O | 1 mole of methane reacts with 2 moles of oxygen to form 1 mole of carbon dioxide and 2 moles of water |